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  • pmnottegar

Muscular Strength and Endurance

Updated: Apr 24, 2020

We have learned that muscular strength is amount of force that your muscles produce against a form of resistance. While muscular endurance is the ability to withstand a certain form of resistance over a period of time. Even though muscular strength and endurance are two different things, they still can be trained together. During this unit we will have two classes based around muscular endurance and strength, again because of COVID-19, we are unable to be in the gym and use the equipment that we had available to us. However the first class requires no equipment, so you could do the exercises at home on your own, but the second class requires certain equipment that you may not be able to get.

For the first class we will be focusing on different bodyweight exercises that work on different muscle groups in our whole body. We will doing be doing a circuit with different exercises so we can work on muscular endurance because we will doing the exercise for an extended time and also muscular strength because we are doing the exercises with as much force as we can. However before we start exercising it is important that we warm-up, we already discussed the important parts of a warm-up back in the cardiovascular fitness section. For this circuit we will be doing it two times with a five minute break in between each round. Each round will have 12 exercises, you will perform each exercise for 45 seconds then rest for 45 seconds before beginning the next one. The only equipment that you may need to do these exercises at home would be a couch and a mat if the floor is too hard. Below are the exercises that we will be doing.

Bodyweight Circuit:

Push ups


Squat jumps

Dips (use couch or bench)

Mountain climbers

Shoulder taps



Leg raises

Step-ups (use couch or bench)

Plank (if you can't do the whole 45 seconds, that is ok do as long as you can)

Glute bridges

For the second class we will again be doing a type of circuit workout, however this workout requires more equipment that you might have available at home. This could be used to at gym if you go to one after social distancing is over. These exercises can be progressed to be made harder or easier depending on your own fitness level. For this circuit there are nine different exercise and one rest station. Each station will be 60 seconds long and after each station there will be a rest period of 60 seconds. Once the first round of 10 stations is finished, there will a five minute break to catch your breath and get water then we will do it one more time.

Below are the exercises and equipment needed for each exercises;

Floor press (weighted bar or dumbbells)

Squats (weighted bar or dumbbells)

Single Arm Overhead Press (kettlebells or dumbbells)

Deadbugs (exercise ball)

Thrusters (kettlebells or dumbbells)

Lunges (weighted bar, kettlebells or dumbbells)

Bicep curls (kettlebells, dumbbells or bands)

Rows (weighted bar, kettlebells, dumbbells or bands)


VERY IMPORTANT to remember it is your own fitness do not compare yourself to others in the class.

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